بواسطةالطبيب الفائز
It is becoming increasingly clear in clinical practice that wound care can lead to unpleasant dressing changes, new wounds, and ulcers brought on by cotton gauze adhesion to wound tissue. As a result, it inspired further research and the development of advanced wound care products. Problems are treated using Winner Medical's innovative wound care product. Winner Medical uses cutting-edge technologies to create ideal medical dressings.
أنواع منAdvanced Wound Dressings
Several advanced wound dressings are on the market today, each with unique benefits and drawbacks. This article will describe the most common types of advanced wound dressings and their uses.
1. Hydrogel dressings. They are highly absorbent and elastic, which makes them ideal for tight wounds or poor blood circulation. They can be used as liquid or solid gels and work well with other treatments, such as antibiotics or pain medications.
2. ضمادات الجروح سيليكون. فهي لا تلتصق وخفيفة الوزن ، مما يجعلها مثالية للجروح التي يصعب ارتداسها أو الضغط عليها. كما أنها تتمتع باستقرار حراري جيد ، مما يعني أنها لا تسخن أو تبرد بسرعة عند تعرضها لدرجة الحرارة الطبيعية أو البرودة.
3. Foam dressings. Foams are another advanced wound dressing often used in place of bulky bandages; they have good insulating properties and can be easily shaped to conform to the contours of the wound site.
International Recognition
Over the years, Winner Medical has spent a lot of time researching wounds. We invest in technical innovation, research, and development to create better wound care products. To provide patients with therapy from start to finish, we categorize our goods according to the entire wound healing cycle and offer various wound care options. Today, we have assisted medical professionals in treating and preventing difficult wounds such as ulcers, burns, post-operative wounds, diabetic foot, etc. Among other therapeutic concerns, we help with the cleaning of wounds and the treatment of exudates. In addition, the NMPA has approved our products in China, the CE, and the MHLW in Japan.
Winner Medicalلقد حظيت حلول علاج الجروح عالية الجودة باعتراف دولي وثناء قوي للعملاء. هذا مرتبط مباشرة بقدرات التصنيع المتميزة ومجموعة R & D من النخبة. يعتقد أن الاتساق والعيار العالي لمنتجاتها يمكن أن يساعد القطاع الطبي على النمو. لمزيد من المعلومات حول المواد الطبية التي يمكن التخلص منها ، قم بزيارة موقعه الرسمي على الويب.