بواسطةالطبيب الفائز
Surgical consumables تُستخدم بكميات كبيرة في كل عملية جراحية ، بما في ذلك لوازم تغطية السرير الجراحي والقبعات الجراحية ، وأغطية الأحذية ، والأقنعة ، وأقنعة العين ، وما إلى ذلك ، التي يرتديها الجراح. هذه المواد الاستهلاكية الجراحية تحمي المريض والجراح وتضمن التشغيل السلس. في بعض العمليات الجراحية الكبرى ، حتى أنها تلعب دورا حيويا في منع التعرض المهني للجراح. يستخدم الفائز الطبي التكنولوجيا المتقدمة لإنتاج المواد الاستهلاكية الجراحية عالية الجودة. منذ أكثر من 30 عامًا ، تعمل شركة Winner Medical على ابتكار وتطوير منتجاتها وتلقيت تعليقات إيجابية من العملاء في جميع أنحاء العالم.
ما هي المواد الاستهلاكية الجراحية المدرجة ؟
In terms of broad categories, surgical consumables are divided into two main areas: protective gown worn by doctors and patients, the tools needed on the operating table, and the fabric laid down.
أثواب جراحية are a consumable item that must be used in every surgery. All doctors and nurses present need to be properly dressed in surgical gowns, wear masks and use clean gloves. As we all know, surgical gowns are made by professional manufacturers and need to be sterile. Operating rooms often have high environmental requirements. Therefore, surgical gowns need to be sterile and clean. Whether a nurse or a doctor works in the operating room, they must wear surgical gowns prescribed by the medical institution to prevent surgical risks as well as infectious diseases.
منسوجات ومواد أخرى لتغطية also play a crucial role in surgery. Surgery may involve the handling of large amounts of liquids, and the absorbency of textiles is crucial, and the ability to absorb liquids quickly has become an important indicator in assessing textiles. At the same time, precision instruments in the operating room also need to be covered with textiles to prevent splashing of patients' body fluids, which can lead to instrument damage and cross-infection.
مزايا المنتج الطبي الفائز
Thanks to Winner Medical's mature manufacturing process and excellent design, Winner Medical's products have gained wide acclaim from surgeons in clinical use.
من وجهة نظر الإنتاج, Winner Medical's products guarantee a high degree of stability. High-quality raw materials and highly automated production make the quality of each batch of Winner Medical products tend to be uniform, Winner Medical provides the same high-quality surgical consumables.
من وجهة نظر التصميم, Winner Medical products are designed for clinical use. Taking into account the characteristics of different surgeries, Winner Medical designs different products for each surgery, adjusting the performance as needed to ensure its smooth application.
جheck الفائز الطبي’s official site for more information about their surgical consumables.