بواسطةالطبيب الفائز
The universal fenestrated drapes offered by Winner Medical are distinguished by the following qualities.
1. تصميم ستائر تجويف جراحية من خلال الجمع بين الاستخدام الجراحي ونوع الجراحة والوضع الجراحي والوقت الجراحي والمعدات الجراحية وعوامل أخرى ؛ دمج التصميمات الفردية مثل التصحيح الجراحي ، كيس جمع السوائل ، غشاء مرشح الأنسجة ، وعوامل أخرى.
2. Hypoallergenic double-sided sticky tape is used to secure surgical sheets for patients.
3. لتقليل مقدار الوقت المستغرق في نشر الأوراق ، استخدم إجراء الطي العقيم.
4. The SMS nonwoven, SMMS nonwoven, SMMMS nonwoven, and wood pulp spunlace nonwoven that are used in the production of Winner Medical’s universal fenestrated drapes are all compliant with the requirements of both domestic and international standards such as YY/T 0506 and ISO 16542. It has a high bacterial barrier performance, is good at air permeability, is resistant to hydrostatic pressure, does not flocculate, resists blood, alcohol, and other liquids, and is anti-static.
5. يمكن تلبية المتطلبات السريرية للموظفين الطبيين والتمريضين باستخدام القماش غير المنسوج الطبي الفائز لأنه خفيف الوزن ، تنفس ، ومريح.
6. Winner Medical’s universal fenestrated drapes with a design that features two holes for openings and additional liquid absorbing material strategically placed in important regions to effectively absorb exudate.
7. On both sides of the instrument panel is a transparent PE film that covers the universal fenestrated curtains. This not only helps to maintain sterility but also makes it easier for doctors to perform their duties with clear visibility.
تصنيع متقدم
The universal fenestrated drapes provided by Winner Medical are made with equipment that is high-tech, imported, industrial-grade, and designed for large-scale production. In addition to ensuring that the product is as sterile as possible, automated production helps eliminate a significant number of the quality issues that are brought on by human interaction in the manufacturing process. Visit the official website of الفائز الطبي for much more detailed information about the universal fenestrated drapes.