بواسطةالطبيب الفائز
Winner Medical has developed cutting-edge ضمادة جروح ألجينات. Technology is the source of progress for manufacturing companies, and this is even more true for medical products. Winner Medical's high-tech dressing, which adopts the new alginate innovative technology, has very high absorption performance and isolation performance and is a very good choice for highly permeable wounds.
When changing dressings multiple times, one of the most difficult problems to solve is how to keep the wound from receiving secondary injury. The development of alginate wound dressing provided a satisfactory solution to this conundrum. Winner Medical manufactures alginate wound dressings of the highest quality. These dressings are gentle on patients' skin and contribute favorably to the healing process. Examine the specifics of the situation.
كيف تعمل ضمادات الألجينات ؟
The majority of wound dressings work by either absorbing exudate or allowing it to dissipate to maintain an appropriate level of moisture in the wound. In addition, the alginate wound dressing is capable of absorbing exudate and then transforming it into a gel that is located on the interior surface of the dressing. This is the consequence of technological advancement, which will determine the course of wound care in the future.
خلع الملابس المصنوعة من الجينات التي هي مبتكرة
The alginate treatment for wounds is gentle on the skin and promotes speedy wound healing. For instance, an alginate wound dressing is made up of a layer of biocompatible polymer on the outside and a layer of alginate on the inside. Because it is in direct touch with the wound, the cover layer, which is composed of alginate, can directly and effectively absorb a significant quantity of the tissue fluid that is oozing from the wound.
لأن الألجينات بشكل طبيعي مرطب للغاية وناعم ومريح ، فإن ضمادة الجروح المجدولة يمكن أن تقدم الدعم لتلك المناطق المحددة من جروح الجروح ، وتمنع الاستجابات السلبية ، وتخفف من معاناة المرضى.
The alginate wound dressing offered by Winner Medical also features a novel layout. The self-adhesive dressing is in the shape of a square to make it easier for the patient to move around in it. Square is the most widely used size in dressings, and Winner Medical offers many sizes to suit the protection needs of wounds in different locations.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فإن المادة اللاصقة المستخدمة في ضمادة الجروح الألجينات مصنوعة من مكونات خالية من مسببات الحساسية. هذا خيار رائع للأشخاص ذوي البشرة الحساسة. زيارة الموقع الرسمي لWinner Medicalلمزيد من المعلومات والتفاصيل.